Foods I Avoid and Foods I Eat

This is a list of foods I Avoid and foods I Eat. There are so many unhealthy foods available to purchase but the more you avoid them the the less you will want them. It is easier to completely stop eating a food than it is to eat it in moderation.

Moderation is a fatal thing. Nothing succeeds like excess.
~Oscar Wilde (1854-1900 CE)

Foods I Avoid


I am a vegan so I avoid obvious foods like Meat (yes fish is also meat), Dairy, Eggs, and Honey.

Aside from that, I also avoid the following foods including the vegan versions of these foods like faux meat, dairy, eggs, and honey.

Added Salt & Sugar

These are the best way to ruin your health. These are unnecessary because they naturally occur in fruits and vegetables. Salt causes water retention and sugar causes a huge blood sugar spike which leads to fat storage. Sugar contains zero nutrients. They both cause weight gain by stimulating your appetite causing you to eat more food.


It is liquid sugar and is also a mind altering drug.
Alcohol use and burden for 195 countries and territories, 1990–2016: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2016

Artificial Sweeteners

They temporarily dull taste buds so you cannot taste the natural sweetness of vegetables.
Aspartame & the Brain (video)
Effect of Sucralose (Splenda) on the Microbiome (video)


Caffeine reduces blood flow to the brain and causes sleep problems.
The effect of daily caffeine use on cerebral blood flow: How much caffeine can we tolerate?
20 Awesome Benefits of Quitting Caffeine or Coffee


It contains added sugar and salt and is very high in calories.

Carbonated Drinks

They are full of added sugar, salt, and artificial sweetener.

Energy Drinks

why? They are very addictive and are full of added sugar, salt, artificial sweetener, and caffeine.

Fruit Juice

Liquid sugar. Fruit is just fiber, water, and sugar. Remove the fiber (pulp) and some of the water and you have a liquid super sugar. The fiber in fruit prevents a blood sugar spike, it shouldn’t be removed.


Liquid fat. I avoid anything with the word Oil in the title such as but not limited to Avocado Oil, Olive Oil, Coconut Oil, Vegetable Oil, Peanut Oil, and Safflower Oil.
Improving on the Mediterranean Diet (video)

Processed Foods

why? They are ground up trash glued together with salt and they temporarily dull your taste buds so that you cannot taste the natural salt and sugar in vegetables. What’s the “Natural” Human Diet? (video)

Snack Foods

Mangoes and watermelon are snack foods not cookies and chips. Foods that people and advertising refer to as snack food are unhealthy garbage that are high in salt, sugar, and fat.


Foods I Eat


This is a small list of foods I eat. I do not limit myself to only these specific foods. The list is infinite because I am always trying new items that fit on this list.

cut mango on a clear plate with a silver fork on top of wood table - foods I avoid

Whole Fruit & Whole Vegetables

-Papaya, Maradol

dry uncooked black beans - foods i avoid

Legumes & Lentils

-Black Beans
-Small Red Beans


-Oatmeal, Steel Cut – 1 ingredient on the box


-Tea – herbal only. No Caffeine.
-Water, Filtered